Thursday, October 9, 2014

Way of The Dragon-Bruce Lee

The Way Of The Dragon 1972 The Way of the Dragon (Chinese: 猛龍過江, released in the United States as Return of the Dragon) is a 1972 Hong Kong martial arts action comedy film written, produced and directed by Bruce Lee, who also stars in the lead role. This is Lee's only complete directorial film. The film co-stars Nora Miao, Chuck Norris, Robert Wall and Hwang In-shik. Way of the Dragon was released in Hong Kong on 30 December 1972. 该片于意大利罗马拍摄,讲述香港武术家唐龙的友人在当地开设的餐馆屡遭黑帮滋扰,遂前往该地协助,并多次击退黑帮分子。及后该黑帮头目为了把唐龙干掉,聘请了来自美国、日本的高手,他们当中包括当时的空手道世界冠军查克·罗礼士。唐龙与罗礼士扮演的角色在罗马斗兽场交手,并把他杀死。

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