Sunday, September 9, 2018

Would you sit in your Granddaddy's Chair?

So True, Y'all @SouthernThingSoTrue

Man Crush By Sam Adams

Here is an alternative to viagra and it taste good to.

This special soup is guaranteed to have the same effect of viagra. The chinese have enjoyed these dish for several centuries. Watch the video and tell us what you think.

Why e-cigarettes are more harmful than we think.

So what do you think. Are you ready to give up your vaping habits so you wont end up having cancer or emphysema? Im sure there are other much healthier smoking alternatives out there. Give us a comment or share the video with your friends.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

When you go on a date but you lack money

Have you ever tried being on a date with  tight budget. Of course you wouldn't want your date to think that you are cheap. Hit us at comment sction and tell us how your date went.